This Website is created for the Glory of God!
Ecclesiastes 9:10
Any and all credit for any benefit(s) which may be gleaned as you search through these topics will be because our kind and gracious Heavenly Father has come along beside you and has chosen to bless YOU.
“A man can receive nothing unless it is given him from heaven. (John 3:27)and “Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and coming down from the Father of lights, with whom is no change, nor shadow of turning. (James 1:17)
The Purpose
To introduce you to the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, and to help you to have a personal and living relationship with Him. The Godly sage, Andrew Murray sums it all up in his monumental book (on the Book of Hebrews) “The Holiest of All” , Chapter 3, entitled “The Son – The Glory Of His Person”
“We know that whatever a man sets his heart on exercises a mighty influence on the life, and leaves its stamp upon his character. He that follows after vanity becomes vain. He that trusts in a god of his own fancy will find his religion an illusion. He that sets his heart upon the living God will find the living God take possession and fill the heart.
It is this that makes it of such infinite consequence that we should not only have a general idea of the Christ through whom God speaks to us, but should know Him aright and have our heart filled with all that God has revealed of Him.
Our knowledge of Him will be the food or our faith, and as our faith is will be our experience of His saving power, and of the fellowship with God to which He leads. Let us listen to what we are taught of the Son in whom God speaks to us.
Whom He Appointed Heir of all things. The great object and aim of God in creation was to have an inheritance for His Son, in which He might show forth His glory and find His blessedness. The Son is the Final Cause, the End of all things. He is the Beginning too.” – Andrew Murray
I would invite you to let God Speak to you and to reveal Christ and all His glory to you. Since you are here and have found this Website, it is evident that you have come by Divine Appointment. May God grant to you the personal treasure of a living relationship with His Son Jesus Christ. The Apostle Paul said of Jesus in Colossians 2:3, “In whom are hid all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge.” And if you already know Him Who is life, as Your personal Lord and Savior, may you be blessed to experience a moment by moment, day by day awesome nearness to Him.
Numbers 6: 22-27; Psalm 115:15
– Carry The Light